Friday, September 14, 2007

Adventures in Maine

"Somes Sound", oil on canvas, 16"x20". This was one of the very first paintings I did in Maine, done while we were camping at Mt. Desert Campground on Mt. Desert Island back in 1999 or so. I stood on a small platform at the end of the floating dock where the campground's canoes and kayaks are tied up. The tide here is about 4-5 feet. As I painted it, I didn't notice that I was slowly descending as the tide went out. When I finished the painting, I looked at the scene and was upset that I had gotten the drawing completely wrong - the top of the rock was now higher than the shore line across from me. It took a few minutes before I realized how my perspective had changed because I went down with the floating dock. I also dropped a brush into the water during this painting, but luckily it landed on the dock's pontoon and I was able to fish it out. Another funny thing that happened to this painting was a chipmunk ran across it when I left it on a picnic table while we drove off somewhere to go hiking. I had hung it from the clothesline in the campsite, but it had gotten windy, so we took it down before we went. We came back to find little chipmunk footprints across the painting, but I was able to fix it.

"Campground Dock", oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". In the previous painting, "Somes Sound," I was standing on the little platform at the very end of this dock. The tide is lower in this painting, so more of the rock is visible.

"Somes Sound, Fog", oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". This was my first experience painting Maine fog.

"Jordan Pond and the Bubbles," oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". A very popular and crowded site in Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island. Behind me was the famous Jordan Pond House, a restaurant with outdoor seating and the best popovers!

"Schoodic Point", oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". About a half hour drive up the coast from Mt. Desert Island, on Schoodic Peninsula. I dashed this off in record time, as it was pretty windy. Waves kept splashing straight up as they crashed into the rocks.

"View of Mt. Desert from Little Cranberry", oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". The title explains it all. Those two little hills on the left are the Bubbles, as seen in my Jordon Pond painting above.

"Indian Point Sunset", oil on linen mounted on board, 12"x14". It was interesting, as well as blinding, to paint looking directly into the sun. No permanent damage, however.

Oil on gessoed paper, 6"x8". Done on our most recent trip to Maine, summer of 2007. I got away from my husband and boys for two days to visit my friend, Robin, who lives right on the coast. This is the beach right behind her house!

"Robin's Yard", oil on gessoed paper, 8"x10". The second painting I did when I was visiting Robin. I want to work on this a little more.

Oil on gessoed paper, 9"x11". The second day of painting with my friend Robin. We drove down to Beall's Island, a very pretty place. I'm posting this, even though I consider it an unsuccessful painting. The composition interested me, but I could not get the color of the garage-type door right. I spent a couple of hours struggling with it, and finally gave up.

Oil on gessoed paper, 9"x12". Also on Beall's Island. I'm not too happy with this painting, either. I think it's a little muddy.


Kacii said...

Hi, i got here through blogger player..i'm not really interested deeply in the art but i like your pictures very much, i will be glad to visit your site from time to time to check your new masterpieces;)

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.